00:10 - Guten Morgen, Herr Müller, wie geht es Ihnen?
00:13 - Guten Morgen, Frau Schneider. Danke, gut! Und Ihnen?
00:17 - Guten Morgen, Herr Müller, wie geht es Ihnen?
00:20 - Guten Morgen, Frau Schneider. Danke, gut! Und Ihnen?
00:26 - Guten Tag, Frau Kamp.
00:27 - Guten Tag! Wie geht es Ihnen?
00:29 - Sehr gut, danke. Und Ihnen?
00:34 - Hey, Lena! Na, wie geht’s?
00:36 - Hallo, Opa!
00:39 - Hallo, Sarah. Wie geht’s dir?
00:41 - Hi, Tom! Super, danke.
00:43 Und dir?
00:47 - Oh, schön!
00:50 - Hm?
00:51 - Die Tasche ist schön!
00:53 - Entschuldigung? Schön?
00:56 - Ja, die Tasche!
01:02 - Emma, komm jetzt! Entschuldigung!
01:13 - Adalbert-Stifter-Straße …
5:00 Uhr – 11:00 Uhr: Guten Morgen .
11:00 Uhr – 18:00 Uhr: Guten Tag.
18:00 – 22:00 Uhr: Guten Abend.
The informal form of address is used within the family, among friends and acquaintances, and often also among colleagues. Friends, acquaintances and family members are addressed by their first name. Children usually call their parents Mama and Papa, and their grandparents Oma and Opa.
The formal address is used with unfamiliar adults, in business situations, with officials, or when shopping. Men are addressed formally as Herr followed by their surnave, women as Frau followed by their surname. If you are unsure whether to be formal or informal, use the formal address.
informell, formell
auch also
das Beispiel, die Beispiel - example
danke - alternativ: danke schön
Es geht mir gut - I'm doing well
Es is 09:00 Uhr - It is 9 o'clock
Frau - Ms/Mrs
die Frau, die Frauen - woman
gut (besser, am besten) - well; good
Guten Abend
Guten Morgen
Guten Tag
schön, schöner, am schönsten
sehr gut
Und dir?
Und Ihnen?
Wie geht es dir?
Wie geht es Ihnen?
Guten Tag - this is the most important formal greeting in German. You can use it throughout the day.
Depending on the time of the day, you can also use: Guten Morgen - until about 11 am
Guten Abend - as of about 6.pm
When you greet another person, you offer your hand for a handshake and look hem in the eye in a friendly way.
악수하면서 눈 맞춰야함?
Hallo: This is how you greet friends, acquaintances and young people. You can also just smile, offer a handshake, or nod to them. Some people, especially young women, hug or give each other a kiss on the cheek.
Everyday language: Na?
Regional variations: In some regions there are particular greetings, such as: Servus
'deu' 카테고리의 다른 글
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nicos weg a1-02 (0) | 2019.10.09 |